Code Revisions 0.8

My Google Summer of Code project at WordPress, Code Revisions, finally is available in the plugin repository. It is not final yet, but close to. The whole development process was and still is accompanied by weekly posts on make/core. Features and bugs are kept track of on the WordPress gsoc trac. If you find a bug don’t hesitate to report it there.

Go get it:

Ein Gedanke zu „Code Revisions 0.8“

  1. Hi,

    My name is Ognjen and I’m the owner of FirstSiteGuide where I’m creating tutorials to help people get online in 30 minutes.

    I would love to ask you for permission to translate your Code Revisions plugin found at and help our readers of different communities to use it in their own language?
    I can translate it to my native Serbian language and have a coworker who can do it in Spanish. But you would need to create the transtlable .pot file first in order for me to proceed.

    Please let me know if you are willing to do that so I can translate it.

    Best Regards,
    Ognjen Djuraskovic

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