I just pushed Version 1.1 of my Kudos plugin to the WordPress.org repository. This release adds a new function to disable unkudo’ing and a new contextual help to better advice developers on how to integrate Kudos into their theme. This still needs some work to make it more accessible. Also Kudos now won’t show up in your feeds anymore.
Category: Kudos
Kudos, as seen on the svbtle.com blogging network, are an unobtrusive and playful way for your readers to show their appreciation.
Get it on WordPress.org.
WordPress: Kudos
This new WordPress Plugin, Kudos, brings a new unobtrusive alternative to Facebook’s like button to your WordPress blog. Kudos, as seen on the svbtle.com blogging network, are an unobtrusive and playful way for your readers to show their appreciation. To give kudos for a post the visitor simply hovers the Kudo-Button: A small animation starts for as long as the visitor does leave his cursor on the Kudo. When the animation is finished and the Kudo-Button is filled the count goes up by one. By clicking the then filled button the visitor can take his Kudo off the post again.
You can see the plugin in action on the top left of this post. Dustin Curtis, creator of svbtle.com and inventor of Kudos, describes Kudos like this:
Each post has one unusual feedback mechanism which has no external repercussions: Kudos
– source: dcurt.is
Beside the default automatic insert into your posts you can make use of the PHP-Functions and shortcode to display the Kudos more individually. Take a look into the description on the plugin repository for more information.
This plugin makes use of Masukomi’s Kudos implementation. If you like Kudos and the overall look of Svbtle take a look at wp-svbtle. This plugin is also hosted on github.
Future updates are planned to bring more customizability: Different speeds and images, more positions in your blog etc.